Ouray County Republican Party
The truly Big Tent party in Ouray County
Officers of the Ouray County Republican Party (as elected February 2, 2023)
County chairman: Lin Neal sjcamera1614@gmail.com
County vice chairman #1: Kevin Wilson kevpwilson1@gmail.com
County vice chairman #2: Larry Coulter LL_COLT191@hotmail.com
Secretary: Kathy Elmont kathy.elmont@gmail.com
Treasurer: Vonnie Kuijvenhoven vonniek10k@me.com
Mailing Address: OCRCC, PO Box 727, Ridgway, CO 81432
Precinct Committee Persons (as elected March 9, 2024)
Precinct 1:
Mark Orgren mark.orgren@gmail.com
Precinct 2:
Lauryn Sargent lauryns83@proton.me
Bette Maurer bettemaurer@yahoo.com
Precinct 3:
Robert Frost rfrosthemmi@msn.com
Precinct 4:
Keenan Alexander keenan.alexander@gmail.com
Precinct 5:
Kevin Wilson kevpwilson1@gmail.com
Ken Miller kenandkaren397@gmail.com
Precinct boundaries were clarified by the Board of County Commissioners resolution 2011-031 of 27 September 2011. Detailed descriptions of the boundaries are attached to the resolution.
Precinct 1 is the south-east portion of the county, south of Cutler Creek, east of highway U.S. 550.
Precinct 2 is the south-west portion of the county, west of U.S. 550 and south of county roads 3A and 23.
Precinct 3 is the central-western precinct, north of precinct 2 and south of precinct 4. It includes the southern half of Log Hill Mesa with McKenzie creek as the northern boundary (crossing CR#1 north of Big Canyon Point and south of Wisteria Drive), with US 550 as its eastern boundary southward until CR 24, where it jogs west to CR#5, runs into Ridgway along CR#5/Amelia, then east down Moffat Street to CR#23 and south to Coal Creek.
Precinct 4 is the northern and north-western part of the county, north of precinct 3 and encompassing the north-eastern portion of the county south as far as CR#4.
Precinct 5 is mostly east of U.S. 550 south of CR#4 down to about Cutler Creek, except that it takes in the Ridgway Town area south of CR#24 east of CR#5 and north of Moffat Street, east of CR#23 and north of CR#3A. Thus most of Ridgway Town is in precinct 5 although some western and southern portions are not.
County elected Republican officials